How To Get Rid of Period Cramps?


Period cramps or dysmennorhea is the pain that occurs in the lower abdomen, thighs and back of a woman when she gets her periods.This pain generally starts from lower abdomen and can be felt in almost all the body parts varying from person to person. Pain in periods is caused due to the secretion of a lipid called Prostoglandins, that aids in contractions of the uterine muscles during periods. It is the same lipid that induces labour pain in pregnant women. This pain generally vanishes in a day but that also varies from person to person. Are you also looking for a panacea to this pain?Here in this blog, we will discuss some tips to get rid of the period cramps and have a happy period. So, let’s get started:

Heat application

In ancient times, women used various herb potlis for alleviating menstrual pain. They used to heat those potlis over tava and then apply on the lower abdomen that helped to subside the pain. What you can do is, apply a hot water bag or fill up a glass bottle with hot water and keep it over there, heat will calm the uterine muscles and your pain will go away gradually.

Herbal Teas

Drink herbal teas like Peppermint tea, Chamomile tea, Ginger tea, Cinnamon tea and fennel tea. Peppermint has menthol that aids in reducing the pain. Chamomile brings down the stress as well as having an antispasmodic effect that also reduces the pain. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, it not only soothes muscle and pains but also helps in bloating. Fennel tea has phytoestrogens that balances hormones and reduces the pain.Cinnamon tea also has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that diminishes the intensity of the pain.

Healthy Diet

Having a healthy and nutrient rich diet can help you in alleviating your pain. Include whole grains like millets, whole wheat and brown rice in your diet as they contain magnesium and B vitamins that reduces the intensity of the cramps. They also help to stabilise your sugar levels thus eliminating mood swings and irritations. Include leafy greens like spinach and fenugreek leaves that are rich in iron as well as calcium and magnesium, which not only helps to fight weakness due to blood loss but also cramps. Include healthy fats like ghee and seeds like flax seeds, walnuts that are rich in Omega – 3 that reduces the cramps.

Avoid Processed and sugary foods

To reduce your menstrual cramps, avoid taking packaged foods, caffeinated drinks as well as refined flour products. These are known to cause inflammation, mood swings as well as increase the intensity of your pain.

Oil Massage

This is one of the most effective traditional remedies to get rid of period cramps. You can massage your lower abdomen with warm oil either sesame or coconut oil. It will help to improve blood circulation and enhance blood flow to the uterus and will lessen the intensity of the pain. Oil massage can also help in reducing the cramp by relaxing the muscle tension, as well as reducing the stress and anxiety. Regular oil massage during the menstrual cycle helps women to effectively manage their period cramps.Period cramps and their intensity to every woman differs and so is their treatment and ways to alleviate them. Here are a few ways that can help you to alleviate your period pain, try them and let us know whether they helped you or not. In case of severe cramps, we suggest you book an appointment with an expert gynecologist in your area.

Happy reading!

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